General Video Terms

continuity: keeping all the details of action, dialogue, effects, etc. in cohesive logical order

180 rule: keeping the camera to one side of two (or more) characters in a conversation so that the characters are always looking in the same direction (continuity)

staging (or blocking): positioning actors (and their movements), set backgrounds, props, etc. with the camera (and its movements) in mind (just be really intentional here; don't accidentally miss some important piece of action because something was in the way, etc.)

composition: using geometry, framing, diagonals, subjects close to light, eye line of subjects, focus, scale, guiding lines, balance, symmetry, etc. to add to your story

rule of thirds: a method of composing your shots in an aesthetically pleasing way; applied by aligning a subject (and/or other important compositional elements) with two equally spaced horizontal guide lines and two equally spaced vertical guide lines (use grid in camera to remind yourself to use the rule of thirds)

golden ratio: using natural mathematical spatial relationships (1.618) to create a focal point within a frame

triangular composition: using diagonals in composition


sequence: putting certain shots in a certain order at certain lengths, etc. to tell a very specific story (be succinct and use your shots wisely to give us only critical information with each and every one)

cut: going from one shot to another, changing perspective and advancing the story

next section: CAMERA STUFF